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Below you can find our only chauffeur service.
Please do not hesitate to ask any questions you may have.

We dispatch well experienced drivers according to your needs. When you lack confidence in driving or you want to leave it to a specialist and visit tourist attractions with your family, this service will be helpful for you. You can use your car for this service or rent ours. (Additional charge required.)

All of CITY CAB TOKYO drivers has completed Universal Driver Training and many of them are certified care workers or tour guides. If you like, we can also send licensed guide-interpreters or English speaking staff. We arrange plans based on a variety of needs not only the tourists from outside of Japan but the people living in Japan.
* It requires additional charge. Please feel free to ask us the prices.

We apply 15% handling charge for your booking. PayPal usage fee 4.1%+USD0.3 are included.